Defining Success in Black America


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(AURN News) – A comprehensive study by Pew Research has illuminated the nuanced perspective of Black Americans on success, revealing that 66% identify themselves as somewhat successful. But what lies beneath this statistic is a narrative intricately tied to family, financial stability, and the burden of debt.

According to Pew’s findings from a survey of 4,736 Black adults in September 2023, a staggering 82% define success as the ability to provide for their families. This perspective offers a profound insight into the values and aspirations that shape the Black community’s perception of achievement.

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Black Americans experience the lowest median income in the country at $52,860, compared to $81,060 for whites and $108,700 for Asians. In the pursuit of financial success, two-thirds of those African Americans surveyed also emphasized the crucial importance of being debt-free.

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