With just a month left in office, President Obama is took steps to protect his environmental legacy by ordering wide swaths of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans placed permanently off-limits for oil drilling. Obama was joined in the effort by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Back in March, the two leaders pledged to work together on environmental concerns.
‘A President’s Legacy-The Obama Years: Climate Change’
The order is seen as a preemptive move ahead of his oil-drilling friendly successor Donald Trump.
Kim Lampkins has more …
PM.Trudeau & Pres.Obama to BAN ALL FUTURE OFFSHORE DRILLING IN THE ARCTIC #cdnpoli https://t.co/y6q7B9Xtnj
TY #POTUS44 & PM #JUSTINTRUDEAU pic.twitter.com/XrTe5zhb97
— Brook Bufa (@jupiter896) December 21, 2016
Polar bears are just one of the animals that will benefit from President Obama's recent ban on oil drilling https://t.co/MX4ZnX7TNw
— National Geographic (@NatGeo) December 21, 2016
Thank you Mr PresidentPresident Obama bans oil drilling in large areas of Atlantic and Arctic Oceans https://t.co/6idPKDObq2
— Sebastian Roché (@sebroche) December 21, 2016