President Biden To Unveil New Efforts to #VaxUpAmerica


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Today the president will announce additional efforts to get Americans to update their COVID-19 vaccine so that they have the protection needed to head into the Thanksgiving holiday. Among some of the efforts, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is launching new national and local TV, radio, and print ads to reach Black and Latino audiences.

HHS will launch the #VaxUpAmerica Family Vaccine Tour to encourage families to also get the vaccine. In the next week, Medicare will send out a second email reminder to the 16 million people who have signed up to receive Medicare emails. And the administration is releasing a fall playbook for businesses with clear information about how to approach protection in the workforce.

There’s a great concern about what many are calling the triple threat — the flu, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus — threatening to overburden hospitals. So far, over 20 million Americans, including one in five seniors, have already gotten their updated shot. The president is scheduled to get his today.

Click play to listen to the report from AURN White House Correspondent Ebony McMorris. For more news, follow @E_N_McMorris & @aurnonline.

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