Time’s Person of the Year Revealed


Source: Time.com
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Source: Time.com

There was speculation over who would be named Time’s Person of the Year and the wait is over. Only thing is not who many expected. Over the past couple weeks, many have speculated that , , or would receive the prestigious honor but Time switched things up.

The publication named the women of the #MeToo movement who gave a voice to the countless women that have been victims and survivors of sexual assault. The announcement was made on Today featuring women of the movement who came out to hold their perpetrators accountable.

Although the #MeToo movement has gained widespread prominence since the ousting of some notable Hollywood figures, the group maintains that the movement is for all those subjected to sexual abuse. The #MeToo movement was chosen for Time’s annual honor, beating out last year’s Person of the Year, President Donald Trump, and Chinese President Xi Jinping

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