Wendy Williams Marriage Drama


Wendy Williams and her husband Kevin Hunter attend Aretha Franklin's 69th birthday party, in New York, Friday, March 25, 2011. (AP Photo/Charles Sykes)
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Daily Mail TV is reporting TV host ‘ husband Kevin Hunter is leading a double life – engaging in a secret long-term affair with a younger massage therapist. The 46-year-old has been seeing Sharina Hudson, 32, for more than 10 years, splitting his time between the home he shares with Williams, 53, and their teenage son Kevin Jr, and a secluded suburban house that he bought for his mistress just nine miles down the road.

In what could be a devastating blow for his wife of 20 years, Hunter, who manages his TV star wife’s career and runs a production company that they jointly own, is said to be ‘in love’ with both women and is juggling his time to accommodate them both. In fact, just days after Hunter was photographed strolling along a beach in Barbados during a romantic break with Williams, he was snapped spending time with Sharina back in Morristown, New Jersey.

Source: DailyMail.com
Source: DailyMail.com

The spokesperson for Wendy Williams, Ronn Torossian, denied her husband was having an affair. ‘One plus one does not equal three. This woman is a friend of Mr. Hunter but there is no “there” there,’ he said quoting a well-known reference to a remark by Gertrude Stein in 1937 movie Everybody’s Autobiography, which means nothing significant exists.


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