April Ryan reports from the White House on the indictments of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, known on Twitter as #MuellerMonday.
#Breaking #MuellerMonday – @WUSA9 photojournalist captures Paul Manafort leaving his Alexandria home with his lawyer @CBSNews pic.twitter.com/wZGHKfY0qY
ā Mike Valerio (@MikevWUSA) October 30, 2017
The White House Cat on#MuellerMonday pic.twitter.com/sqXyCrMjB9
ā Nolene Dougan (@NoleneDougan) October 30, 2017
This GIF was made for this day. #MuellerMonday pic.twitter.com/AjUQJSwsr7
ā Devin Duke (@sirDukeDevin) October 30, 2017
You know John McCain is chomping at the bit to say: “I like Presidents who don’t get indicted.” #MuellerMonday
ā Kenny BooYah! (@KwikWarren) October 30, 2017
Me today every time i hear the CNN “Breaking News” music on #MuellerMonday#MuellerIsHERE opening day of our fall Trump indictment season! pic.twitter.com/FOcjEBRlVm
ā Shiva ? Resists (@ShivaResists) October 30, 2017
Paul Manafort attorney speaks outside courthouse. One year on special council investigation for this!! Waste of tax $$$#MuellerMonday pic.twitter.com/s0VBUWvcvE
ā Ex-Dem??Latina (@ExDemLatina) October 30, 2017
Sarah Sanders doing what she does best… making a mockery of Obama’s stenographers aka the imbeciles in the WH press corps.#MuellerMonday pic.twitter.com/yaEDNwHgcW
ā HailToTheCovfefe?? (@MichelleRMed) October 30, 2017
When Trump starts to smear Robert Mueller, share this far and wide ?#MuellerMonday pic.twitter.com/1uaXjlzgvt
ā Jenn Carson (@8675309Carson) October 30, 2017