Bowie State University Expands Online Education With 31 New Courses


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(AURN News) — Bowie State University has announced an ambitious initiative aimed at enhancing its online education programs. The university is set to significantly improve its online offerings through “Bowie State Online,” an online education program that will incorporate 31 new courses, effectively expanding the program to accommodate more than 6,000 students.

University officials expressed their optimism about the potential of these new offerings to provide students with enhanced flexibility in tailoring their learning experiences to suit their unique needs and schedules. 

“An effective online strategy has been a key component of how we are meeting the needs of the diverse students that we serve. The expansion of Bowie State’s online programs will help expand access to courses online—and provide students with additional flexibility as they work to achieve their education and career goals,” Dr. Kimetta Reynolds-Hairston, Assistant Vice President for Regional Higher Education Centers and Online Programs, said in a statement.

The move comes as part of BSU’s ongoing efforts to modernize and diversify its educational delivery methods, making quality education more accessible and flexible for students. Funding for this expansion has been made possible through support from the University System of Maryland’s William Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation.

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