Angry Women Melts Down Over $1 Bag: “I Voted For Trump, So There!”


Reading Time: 3 minutes

A “Wait, what?” moment at a Chicago-area arts and crafts store when a woman went on a pro-Trump rant claiming anti-white , after she was asked to purchase a $1 reusable bag. During the woman’s Thanksgiving eve meltdown at a Michael’s store, which witnesses say lasted some 30-minutes, she is heard insulting two black employees and shouting about Donald Trump.  The woman claims in the video that the store cashier was trying to “force me” into buying a reusable bag for her larger items.

Among comments:

“… And I voted for Trump … so there!!  Are you going to kick me out because of that… and look who won… look who won!”

Several people began videotaping the the scene, and at one point the woman turned her wrath on a another white shopper–identified as Jesse Grady–who was also recording:

“I don’t know what you think you’re videoing, lady. I was just discriminated against by two black women and you being a white woman and you literally thinking that’s OK … why don’t you go home to your husband who’s cheating on you.”


Meantime, Grady told the online site, Chicago Patch that she was so upset by the ordeal that she started a GoFundMe campaign for the Michael’s employee targeted by the woman.

Grady’s GoFundMe goal was $400, but has raised over $18, 000.

Her campaign appeal read in part:

“On the night before Thanksgiving, I witnessed a white woman engage in a 30 minute rant (complete with yelling and cursing and repeated references to the fact that employees were African American) against the employees at a Chicago Michaels store – because she did not like that they offered her the option to purchase a re-usable shopping bag for her larger items. I was directly in front of this customer in line, I stopped at the exit to show my 2 year old a Christmas ornament and witnessed first-hand that the Michaels’ employees did nothing to provoke this verbal attack, and in fact treated all customers with professionalism and courtesy.”  

Grady says that she and at least 10 other customers stuck around until police arrived to give their account of what happened, but when they showed up the angry woman had already left.

UPDATED:  11:19AM 11/29/16

The angry woman in the video has been identified as Jennifer Boyle.  A second video has emerged of Boyle going off on employees in a coffee shop.

Fast foward to 10:42 here.

Meantime, a screenshot of a LinkedIn account in Boyle’s name that has since been removed shows that she worked in human resources at Sinai Health System.


In  a related note, another  pro-Trump incident that occurred on a recent Delta Airlines flight has resulted in the passenger involved being banned for life from all Delta flight.  The passenger is seen on video yelling “go Trump” and calling some “Hillary b**ches.”


Commenting on the November 22nd incident Delta chief Edward H. Bastian, said in a memo published on Delta’s website that other travelers on the flight Nov. 22 would receive refunds for their tickets.

“This individual displayed behavior that was loud, rude and disrespectful to his fellow customers,” Mr. Bastian said in the statement. He added, “We must require civility on our planes and in our facilities.

The action comes after much criticism to Delta’s first reaction to the incident.  After his outburst he was briefly removed from the plane, but later permitted to return to his seat.
It wasn’t until after the video was posted online, Delta Air Lines issued a statement on Nov. 26, apologizing to customers saying:

“We have followed up with the teams involved and all agree that this customer should not have been allowed to continue on the flight.”








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