(AURN News) – A new grant program will help hundreds of educators and make school leadership more diverse. The state of California’s new $10 million program is underway and aimed at helping educators pursue administrative credentials. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing announced that 367 candidates across the state will receive one-time grants of up to $30,000 each. The initiative, known as the Diverse Education Leaders Pipeline Initiative (DELPI), is designed “to train, place, and retain diverse and culturally responsive administrators in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and grades 1 to 12,” according to the commission.
“It was in middle school that I had my first African American math teacher. His presence alone inspired me. He was charismatic and relatable, someone who I felt understood me,” said Lawrence Hardy, a grant recipient from San Bernardino City Unified School District. “In return, I want to be that educator that will inspire and motivate the next generation,” he added.
The DELPI program aims to improve student outcomes by ensuring school leadership better reflects California’s diverse population. Grant recipients must commit to serving a minimum of two years as site-level administrators in California schools. The initiative comes as part of a broader effort to address the needs of California’s education workforce and create more inclusive learning environments for students across the state.
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