Coronavirus: Baltimore Community Resources


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The has presented us with a global pandemic unlike anything we’ve ever handled. Fortunately, the situation has many of us coming together to help those in need. The following is a list of both local and national resources you can reach out to for support. If you’re able to work from home and are looking for a way to help while maintaining self-quarantine, many of these organizations could use your donations.

General Coronavirus Information and Resources:

  • City Health Department – Keep up-to-date on everything you need to know about the coronavirus and how to help yourself and others.

Website: Baltimore City Health Department

Social Media: Facebook  Twitter  Youtube

  • Health Connection – This link will help those in Maryland who are uninsured with a special enrollment program.

Website: Maryland Health Connection

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter  Youtube  Linkedin

  • Comcast – Information on their response to the coronavirus which includes opening their wifi network for all to use for free.

Website: Comcast

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter  Linkedin

  • BGE – Information on their response to the coronavirus which includes suspending shutoffs.

Website: BGE

Social Media: Facebook  Twitter   Youtube  Linkedin  Flickr

Food Assistance:

  • FoodFinder – An easy-to-use digital map that highlights the locations of food banks, pantries, kitchens, and shelters all across the nation. This is an incredible resource for those struggling during the pandemic who simply don’t know where to go. They also have an app, and you can donate to help them keep it running smoothly.

Website: FoodFinder

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter

  • Food Pick-Up Map – This link goes to an interactive map that shows locations where families in need can go to pick up food.

Website: Food-Pick Up Map

  • Food Take-Out Map: This link sends you to an interactive map that highlights restaurants which still offer take-out options at this time.

Website: Food Pick-Up Map

  • Baltimore County Public Schools – This is a list of the locations where families can go to get their children food during the school closures.

Website: BCPS List

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter  Flickr  Vimeo

  • Maryland Food Bank – Helps provide for food-insecure families.

Website: Maryland Food Bank

How to Help: You can donate money, donate food items, or join their online food drive.

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter  Youtube  Linkedin

  • Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland – This group prepares and delivers meals to those in need.

Website: Meals on Wheels Central Maryland

How to Help: Donate through their website.

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter  Linkedin

Restaurant Owners:

  • Baltimore County Survey – This survey allows restaurants to self-report if they’re offering take-out so they will be added to the interactive map and customers can find them.

Website: Survey

Mental Health Resources:

  • Crisis Text Line – This text line connects you to a crisis counselor to help you with anxiety, panic attacks, and whatever else you may be facing at this time. The line is run by volunteers, so they can provide support, but not medical advice. If more assistance is needed, you will be referred to the appropriate party.

Website: Crisis Text Line

Text Number: text HOME to 741-741 (US number)

How to Help: Donate, purchase on Amazon Smile, or become a volunteer crisis counselor after taking the necessary training program.

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter  Linkedin  Tumblr

  • Children’s Mental Health Matters – This is a Maryland-based organization, and they have a list of helpful tips and resources for how to deal with the coronavirus and how to talk to your children about the virus.

Website: Children’s Mental Health Matters

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter  Youtube

  • Harvard Health Publishing – This is an article about how to talk to your teens about the coronavirus.

Teens Article link: How to Talk to Teens

Social Media: Facebook  Twitter

  • National Association of School Psychologists – The NASP has released an article about how to talk to children about the coronavirus. You can also find links to other helpful resources on their site.

Children article link: How to Talk to Children

Website: NASP

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter 

  • Hotline Number – This number is open for any questions about the virus. The line is open seven days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: 410-887-3816

Catholic Resources:

  • Archdiocese of Baltimore –  Offering links to online masses for those in quarantine who still want to participate.

Website: Archdiocese of Baltimore

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter  Youtube

Seniors Resources:

  • Hotline Number – Calls are answered by a team of Certified Information and Assistance Specialists (CIRS) who will answer any questions you may have and connect you to the necessary parties if you need assistance. The call line hours are Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 410-887-2594

Important Note: Those who work with the elderly are urging the young and healthy to reach out (via phone call to maintain social distancing) to our eldely friends, neighbors, and family members to make sure they are aware of the many resources available to help them so they can stay safe. They might just need our help getting their groceries or maybe just a simple phone call to brighten their day.

Animals and Pets:

  • Baltimore Humane Society – A no-kill shelter that helps rehabilitate and care for animals so they can be adopted.

Website: Baltimore Humane Society

How to Help: You can donate money through their site, purchase items from their shop to raise awareness, shop on Amazon Smile and set them as your beneficiary organization, or purchase items for them from their Amazon wishlist.

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter  Youtube

  • Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Center – A no-kill shelter with a wide range of resources and programs to care for the many animals that come through their doors.

Website: BARCS

How to Help: Purchase merch from their online shop or donate online. Check out their urgent need list for a few animals that need your help the most.

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter  Youtube

Homeless and Displaced:

  • Baltimore Homeless Shelter Directory – This list will provide you with the locations and contact information for all the homeless shelters and services in Baltimore.

Website: Directory

Small Business Owners:

  • US Small Business Administration – The SBA is offering disaster loans to help small business owners who have been affected by the outbreak and quarantines.

Website: US Small Business Administration

Social Media: Instagram  Facebook  Twitter  Youtube Linkedin

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