Democrats Criticize Trump’s HUD Choice Ben Carson As “Disturbingly Unqualified”


Reading Time: 2 minutes
(L-R) Rep. -D/MD, Retired neurosurgeon , House Minority Leader -D/CA (AP photos)

Democrats are blasting President-elect ‘s selection of retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Many lawmakers are concerned about Carson’s “lack of experience.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, in a statement, described the barrier-breaking African-American neurosurgeon as a “disconcerting and disturbingly unqualified choice.”

Our country deserves a HUD Secretary with the relevant experience to protect the rights of homeowners and renters, particularly in low income and minority communities, and to ensure that everyone in our country can have access to safe and affordable housing without facing discrimination or homelessness.

Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland called Carson “woefully unqualified.”

During his time in Baltimore [at Johns Hopkins Medical Center] Dr. Carson was a phenomenal neurosurgeon but he has not experience developing housing policy affecting tens of millions of people or running a complex federal agency, as his own spokesman admitted just last month.
Mr. Trump said during the campaign that he would work for working class Americans but his appointments make it clear, he intends nothing of the sort.

Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown said Carson’s nomination “raises real questions.”

Cities coping with crumbling infrastructure and families struggling to afford a roof overhead cannot afford a HUD Secretary whose spokesperson said he doesn’t believe he’s up for the job. President-elect Trump made big promises to rebuild American infrastructure and revitalize our cities, but this appointment raises real questions about how serious he is about actually getting anything done.

Trump officially announced Carson as his HUD choice Monday morning.  Meantime, former Congressman JC Watts is being considered Agriculture Secretary.


Source: AURN


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