NABOB, NCBCP and AURN Collaborate to “Get Out the Vote”
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Contact: Marlene Layton – 412-456-4034
Pittsburgh, PA – October 6, 2016—The National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters (NABOB), National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) and American Urban Radio Networks (AURN) have collaborated to produce a series of “Get out the Vote” PSA targeted to urban stations across America. The 30 second spots are aimed at encouraging African Americans to go to the polls on Election Day November 8th, 2016 and vote.
Jim Winston, President of NABOB stated, “The Presidential and Congressional races being contested this year will impact this country for much longer than the next four years. The shape of the Supreme Court is going to be determined by the President and members of Congress who win these elections. The African American community is going to be very significantly impacted by the results of these elections, and it is extremely important that we get our listeners out to vote.”
Melanie L. Campbell, President & CEO of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation: We are proud to partner with AURN and the National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters on the “Get Out the Vote” PSA Campaign, in support of our Unity ’16 Black Voter Empowerment Campaign. We must ensure that the Black voter turns out in record numbers of November 8. The results of the 2016 elections will shape our national political landscape for years to come, with the next President having the power to nominate at least 2-3 Supreme Court Justices and hundreds of federal judges that will determine laws that will impact health care, criminal justice, economic parity, voting rights and much more. These PSAs will are designed to assist our Unity ’16 Campaign to educate, motivate and inform African-American communities across the country on the dramatic impact their votes will have on their families and communities for at least 30 years.
Stations may access the package that includes seven 30 second PSA’s by accessing the following link.
The National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters, Inc. (NABOB) is the only trade organization representing the interests of African American owners of radio and television stations across the United States. NABOB was organized in 1976 to increase the number of African American owned broadcast stations and to advocate for greater use of African American owned broadcast stations by the advertising industry. In 2001, the NABOB Telecommunications Education and Management Foundation (NABOB Foundation) was created to educate and train the next generation of owners and managers in the broadcast and telecommunications industries.
The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, founded in 1976, creates and enlightens communities by building institutional capacity that provides and develops leadership. By educating, motivating, organizing, and mobilizing Black communities, The National Coalition seeks to encourage full participation in a barrier-free democratic process. The National Coalition works to expand, strengthen, and empower communities to make voting and civic participation a cultural responsibility and tradition. The NCBCP is leading its Unity ’16 Campaign to maximize the Black vote in 2016. For more information go to
About American Urban Radio Networks
American Urban Radio Networks (AURN) is the only African-American controlled RADAR rated radio Network Company in the United States. It is the largest network reaching Urban America with nearly 20 million listeners each week. Through four programming networks and its marketing division, American Urban Radio Networks reaches more African-Americans than any other medium in America and produces more programming than all other broadcasting companies combined. American Urban Radio Networks broadcasts 200 weekly news, entertainment, sports, and information programs to more than 300 radio stations nationwide. It is the only African-American broadcaster with a bureau in the White House. AURN has offices and bureaus in New York, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C.