A Republican lawmaker wants to kill the investigation into President Trump’s potential campaign ties to Russia.
Rep. Ron DeSantis of Florida has presented a provision which, if passed, would end funding for special prosecutor Robert Mueller‘s investigation in six months. The amendment would also prevent Mueller from investigating events occurring before June 2015, which is when Trump first descended down his escalator to announce his presidential run.
DeSantis argues Mueller’s appointment in May as special counsel “didn’t identify a crime to be investigated and practically invites a fishing expedition. Congress should use its spending power to clarify the scope and limit the duration of this investigation.”
However, the proposed amendment to Congress’s spending package may not hold up for a vote. According to Politico, the House Rules Committee has the ability to remove amendments it considers out of order. Plus, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has voiced his support of Mueller’s work.
Ryan said, “I think the best advice is to let Robert Mueller do his job.”
Congress returns to Washington after Labor Day.