Monkeypox Response Coordinators Discuss Tackling Low Vaccination Rates in Black Communities


CORRECTS DATE TO TUESDAY AUG. 30, Morgan Ramey, 29, receives a dose of the monkeypox vaccine at a vaccinations site on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2022, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. (AP Photo/Jeenah Moon)
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New data is revealing the number of racial disparities in monkeypox and those who are being vaccinated. According to, in North Carolina 72% of people diagnosed with monkeypox are Black but only 24% of vaccines have gone to Black residents. Monkeypox Response Coordinator, Bob Fenton, and Deputy Coordinator, Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, spoke with press about their outreach and efforts to reach those communities most affected:

“I think that the core work that we’ve done to reach out to people of color really begins with the fact that we’ve made vaccine accessible. But we also have all of these equity interventions that include these large events, about a couple of really large ones that have been frankly, wildly successful. We’ve also gotten vaccines to community health centers, as well as to Ryan White sites that really serve this population. So the low-hanging fruit is done. The folks who are early adopters for this vaccine have gotten it. And now we’re really onto the next level, which is making sure that everyone who needs it, gets it.”

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