The ‘Nasty Woman’ Wins … Again


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks during the third presidential debate with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at UNLV in Las Vegas, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
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Hillary Clinton (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky), Donald Trump (AP Photo/John Locher), during 3rd presidential debate at UNLV on 10/20/16.
The barbs were flying during last night’s highly watched presidential debate.  In one exchange Hillary Clinton blasted rival Donald Trump for doubting findings from 17 intelligence agencies which have said Russia is behind the recent series of Wikleaks.

Trump Admits He May Not Concede Peacefully

Trump interrupted Clinton, calling her “such a nasty woman” as she spoke of her economic proposals.  The two squared off of issues of , gun laws, the Supreme Court and more.

AURN’s Kim Lampkins  reports …

Meantime, among comments garnering immediate Twitter reaction was Trump’s “nasty woman” comment referring to Clinton; and, his referring to those he wanted deported as “bad hombres“.





The comment  spawned a article titled: Nasty women” becomes the feminiest rallying cry Clinton was waiting for.

And, many comments were posted under the Twitter #NastyWoman


Viewership estimates for the final debate are between 70 and 75 million according to


Source: AURN

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