Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Toni Morrison has penned a op-ed for New Yorker dubbed ‘Mourning for Whiteness‘.
In in powerful essay, Morrison suggests that for many, the thought of losing white privilege led to the election of Donald Trump.
Morrison writes:
“The comfort of being naturally better than’ is hard to give up.
Under slave laws, the necessity for color rankings was obvious, but in America today, post-civil-rights legislation, white people’s conviction of their natural superiority is being lost”
“On Election Day, how eagerly so many white voters—both the poorly educated and the well educated—embraced the shame and fear sowed by Donald Trump.
Read the full essay in The New Yorker
Meantime, activities and comments during a white nationalist convention in DC over the weekend add credence to Morrison’s thoughts, as, for the most part, the event served as a ‘victory celebration’ for Donald Trump. In a video circulated by ‘The Atlantic‘ magazine, chants of “Hail Trump” are heard and attendees are seen raising their arms in Nazi salutes.
Among comments during the gathering from noted white nationalist Richard Spencer:
“To be white is to be a striver, a crusader an explorer and a conquerer. We build, we produce, we go upwards.”
“America was until this past generation a white country, designed for ourselves and our posterity.”
Hear more chilling commentary:
While Trump has denounced the racism perpetuated by the KKK and other white supremacist, alt-right and white nationalist groups, the president-elect’s biographer told PBS, Trump’s father taught him that the family’s success was genetic.
Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio said:
“The family subscribes to a racehorse theory of human development.
“They believe that there are superior people and that if you put together the genes of a superior woman and a superior man, you get a superior offspring.”
Source: AURN