Website Launched To Separate Fact From Fiction Ahead of Midterms


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Election Day is just two weeks away, and as reports of voter intimidation tactics ramp up, election deniers go into full swing, and both Democrats and Republicans banter over who will run Congress, a new website has launched to help voters rightly decide who’s best for them.

News Reports launched It’s a public access website to provide citizens and organizations concerned about the health of American democracy with information they can use to monitor the most consequential legislative actions in Congress, track individual lawmakers’ voting records, and hold Representatives and Senators accountable on election day.

FILE – Voters wait in line outside the Richland County election office on the first day of in-person absentee voting in South Carolina on Oct. 5, 2020, in Columbia, S.C. A new poll shows that many Americans remain pessimistic about the state of their democracy and the way elected officials are chosen. The results of the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey come nearly two years after a divisive presidential election spurred false claims of widespread fraud and a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol. (AP Photo/Meg Kinnard, File)

This coverage will continue in the 118th Congress and beyond. It is a nonpartisan, fact-based website, providing a “truth check” against misinformation about Congress and its members that often inflame political discussions, especially in campaign attack ads and candidate debates.

The website organizes its coverage in alphabetical order under topics like abortion, Biden agenda, democracy, equality, guns, immigration, and so much more.

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