Trump Props Up Controversial ‘Stop and Frisk’


(AP Photo)
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(AP Photo)
(AP Photo)
In the wake of two police involved shootings in Charlotte and Tulsa; and, amid continued conversations about inequalities in policing, Republican presidential contender Donald Trump is suggesting a wider use of the controversial practice of ‘stop-and-frisk’.

The program which disproportionately targeted blacks and latinos for arrest with cause in New York, was ruled unconstitutional in 2013.

Kim Lampkins has more …

Trump talked up his support of the controversial policy during a town-hall style gathering in suburban Cleveland Wednesday.

An audience member amid the largely white crowd pressed Trump on how he would reduce violence in black communities. “One of the things I’d do,” he said, “is I would do stop-and-frisk. I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well and you have to be proactive.

According to a NY Times report, the largely white audience erupted into applause. Meanwhile, black leaders and others pounced.


Source: AURN

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