Sherri Shepherd Explains


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Her private life has been tabloid fodder since she and second husband Lamar Sally split before the birth of a son via surrogate mother. The former couple remain locked in a bitter battle over how much money the former co-host of The View should pay to support the child, now two.

In an interview airing Friday on TV’s The DR. Oz Show, Shepherd insists that her beef is not with the boy but with her ex-husband’s demands. ‘I feel I had a very tight pre-nup but there’s a baby here and I have always said I would take care of his son because he’s here and I make money,’ she explained, according to ‘I always said I would provide financially.’ The TV personality and actress, 49, has no biological connection to Lamar Sally Jr. who was conceived using a donor egg and born in August 2014. The child lives with his father who has full custody. ‘He’s on my health insurance. He’s got a life insurance policy in case anything happens to me,’ said Shepherd who also has a son Jeffrey from her first marriage.

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