Study: Majority of COVID Transmissions from Asymptomatic Cases


A nurse in protective gear administers a coronavirus test in Omaha, Neb., Wednesday, July 8, 2020. Vice President Mike Pence says the U.S. government will issue guidance encouraging front-line health care workers to reuse personal protective equipment. Pence added that PPE supplies remain "very strong" but the Trump administration will be encouraging healthcare workers "to use some of the best practices" to "preserve and reuse" face masks and other protective equipment. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)
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The names and faces of now include Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance-Bottoms and comedian DL Hughely.

There are reports that COVID is so rampant in the southeastern US, it is no longer possible do contact tracing. A recent study finds the majority of transmissions are silent; from asymptomatic cases or from cases during the presymptomatic phase. Consequently, symptom based control such as temperature checks are not sufficient.

The EU and Mexico have banned travelers from the US.

Click ▶️ to listen to AURN Washington Bureau Chief April Ryan’s White House Report:

A nurse in protective gear administers a coronavirus test in Omaha, Neb., Wednesday, July 8, 2020. Vice President Mike Pence says the U.S. government will issue guidance encouraging front-line health care workers to reuse personal protective equipment. Pence added that PPE supplies remain “very strong” but the Trump administration will be encouraging healthcare workers “to use some of the best practices” to “preserve and reuse” face masks and other protective equipment. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)

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