The Poor People’s Campaign Launches Nationwide Protests


Protesters for the Michigan Poor People's Campaign lie down on the rotunda of the Michigan capitol Tuesday, May 29, 2018 in Lansing, Mich., as part of a die-in to protest war and militarism. Nineteen were arrested and received trespassing citations for not leaving when ordered. (AP Photo/Alice Yin)
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There are protests in the on Capitol Hill and around the country focused on the Poor People’s Campaign. This week Unite The Poor took their campaign to the nation’s capitol with a protest in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building and in thirty state capitals. Protesters laid out on the floor to make their point demanding an end to a war economy, against the military industrial complex, cuts to Medicaid and Medicare, deficient treatment of American veterans, and low living wages.

Click ▶️ to listen to April Ryan’s White House Report:

Click here to listen to April Ryan’s On the Record podcast with Rev. William Barber to discuss the Poor People’s Campaign.

Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube

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